The Girl Gang offers a variety of different services developed by a team of Psychologists, Teen Counsellors, Doctors and Educators all written to interest teenage girls.
Workshops can be daunting for some teens. That’s why we offer a 6-week, one-on-one mentoring program with a qualified Teen Counsellor.
We want to provide teen girls with a safe platform where they can share stories and become educated on a range of relevant topics they are dealing with, whether it is friends, school, hormones, family or relationship related.
Student wellbeing is our goal! We inspire, educate and empower students to improve their mental health so they can thrive as healthy, happy adolescences.
We offer teens fun and interactive wellness workshops in schools, focusing on mental and physical wellness. We discuss important topics such as:
Fuel Your Body: this workshop includes teens participating in a raw cooking class (with a qualified Nutritionist) and enjoying a healthy snack whilst learning which foods reduce breakouts, bloating and mood changes.
Move Your Body and Calm Your Mind: this workshop includes our qualified Pilates, Yoga and Mindfulness instructor taking the teens through a 40-minute session, providing them with all the tools and techniques to use at home when life gets a little overwhelming.
Awaken Self-Love: in this workshop we talk about the bombarding messages girls face and develop strategies that help them respond intelligently and positively.
This Is Me: this workshop allows girls to connect with their core values and beliefs and helps them remember how unique and exceptional they really are.
Your Gang: this workshop helps girls figure out who inspires them and challenges them to become better, increasing their chances of reaching their personal goals with the support and love of those around them.
Social Media Mayhem: this workshop focuses on educating teens on the risks of social media and the appropriate use for their personal values.
The Girl Gang also offers Private Wellness Workshops and Empowering events based on the needs of any company or organisation.
The Girl Gang is offering you a series of filmed sessions discussing teen relevant topics. There is not a topic we don’t cover when it comes to physical and mental health of teen girls. The aim of The Girl Gang Wellness is to promote self-esteem and resilience in young women, and is designed to unify teen girls to become strong, confident women.
Gone are the days that you could come home from school and escape from the social and emotional highs and lows of being a teenager. Since social media has hit the market, popular culture has now become a major part of the average teenager’s daily life. Girls especially are now faced with the onslaught of images and comparisons which is a major contributor when it comes to increased anxiety levels and fragile self-esteem. The greatest source of stress they encounter throughout this time is the pressure they put on themselves and the varying ideals of 'fitting in'. Some teens are facing more serious issues, where others are dealing with exam stress, pressure keeping up with their work, friendship issues and a whole of bunch of general normal encounters as a teenager.
The Girl Gangs online program will provide you with advice from qualified experts, and guidance in a safe and relaxed environment. From registered Counsellors explaining why your emotions are taking over; Nutritionists explaining what foods reduce breakouts, bloating and mood changes; Doctors explaining how and why teenage hormones affect their decision making; to Yoga instructors teaching breathing techniques and moves to settle anxiety. There is no topic we don’t cover when it comes to the physical and mental health of teen girls.
We believe that every teen has the right to accurate information and education when it comes to their wellbeing and we look forward to supporting you through this stage of your life.
* This program is suitable for 13+ years
An introduction to The Girl Gangs Online Program
Parents - Lets Chats about Teen Girls